Many patients are familiar with certain cosmetic surgeries, such as nose jobs and facelifts. However, these may not be your only options when it comes to enhancing your face’s natural beauty. A blepharoplasty, or eyelid rejuvenation, is another option that could be right for you.
Eyelid rejuvenation improves facial appearance in a few different circumstances. If you think any of these apply to you, call our plastic surgeon in Kirkland, WA today.
Baggy Eyes
When we age, our skin loses its elasticity and folds over itself as it is pulled downward by gravity. This causes wrinkles, an easily noticed sign of aging. The eyelids are no different, and the wrinkles affecting the lower eyelids causes a baggy appearance.
Eyelid rejuvenation is right for you if bags around the eyes are a key contributor to the aged appearance you want to change. The procedure removes the excess skin causing the bags, as well as any extraneous fat deposits that may be contributing to the droopiness of the fold.
Sagging Upper Eyelids
The loss of elasticity does not only affect the lower eyelid. The upper eyelid can droop and have wrinkles of its own. However, unlike the baggy appearance of the lower eyelid, the upper eyelid’s sagging can cause problems other than cosmetic; severely floppy upper eyelids can obstruct your vision.
Blepharoplasty is not just a cosmetic procedure when the upper eyelids are involved. This surgery can save both your appearance and your vision if you find yourself with exceptionally sagged eyelids.
Improving Other Procedures
Many different plastic surgeries can be combined to produce more dramatic results. Even if it is not the primary concern in your desire to develop a younger appearance, eyelid rejuvenation can help you reach the greater results that you want.
Blepharoplasty is often combined with facelifts to thoroughly reduce wrinkles on the face. Some patients prefer a more targeted approach to wrinkle reduction, so Dr. Dry can use neck lifts and midface lifts with eyelid rejuvenation instead. Additionally, if a patient was going to undergo laser skin resurfacing, blepharoplasty partners effectively with this treatment to provide an even smoother image.
Contact Us for Plastic Surgery
Gavin Dry, MD, FRCPS, PLLC is a plastic surgeon in Kirkland, and eyelid rejuvenation is just one of many plastic surgeries he can perform. Dr. Dry will take the time to get to know you and your specific goals, and then he will develop the blepharoplasty treatment plan that works best for you. For more information, call our practice and schedule a consultation today.